The Legend (Legenda) of Baru Klinting - Lake Rawa Pening


Arisarmu  - Rawa Pening is a famous recreational and fishing spot in Semarang Regency, Central Java. This natural lake occupies the area up to 2,670 hectars. It's located in the basin of three mountains: Ungaran, Merbabu and Telomoyo.

Indonesia is a country which is rich in traditions and a diverse culture. It's a vast archipelago with multi-ethnic, believes, and different local languages. Legend is a part of Indonesian culture. Each region has its own legend. Some may have a similarity from each others.

According to, legend is a story from the past that is believed by many people but cannot be proved to be true. However, a lot of people will enjoy listening about the story presented by their tour guide while exploring a tourist attraction.

The legend of Lake Rawa Pening has some versions. You may already know one of them. This one is the brief story about it.

A long time ago in Ngasem village lived a woman who was pregnant. When she gave a birth, she named her baby 'Baru Klinting' because the baby was a snake. When Baru Klinting was a teenager, he hiked up a mountain to meditate. He asked the god for his mercy. The god granted his wish. Then, his body turned into a human. 

Feeling hungry he walked down toward a village to asked some food. But the villagers thought that he was so ugly. Then he was expelled by them. And Baru Klinting became so angry and then cursed the village to be a lake. Now the lake is called Rawa Pening.

Words in This Article :

Diverse : various, varied, different, unlike.

Expel : to eject or drive out with force.

Famous : celebrated, prominent, remarkable, renowned, well-known, excellent, glorious.

However : but, on the other hand.

Similarity : agreement, closeness, likeness, relation.

Spot : location, place, point, position, site.

Towards : en route for, in the direction of, on the road to, on the way to.

Vast : enormous, gigantic, great, huge.