Candi Lumbung (Buddhist Temple) Yogyakarta

Strolling to Lumbung Temple (candi Lumbung), Buddhist temple compounds, and snap some photos to accomplish your gallery collections, situated inside the complex of Prambanan Temple Tourism Park, next to Bubrah temple and simply a few minutes walk from Prambanan's museum or you can rent a bike for IDR 10k.

Lumbung Temple, a name derived from its physical appearance which look like "lumbung" (rice barn), traditionally constructed on four wooden poles with its elevation, generally between 1,5 meters to 2 meters up from the ground level to protect it from rats, and the purpose can be an illustration of the prosperity in the past for its location is in a fertile agricultural area near mountains.

This Buddhist Temple complex has one main temple surrounded by 16 small temples (Perwara Temples), was built around 9th century during the period of ancient Mataram Kingdom.
Lumbung Temple, despite of its smaller size than nearby Sewu Temple, but they both have so much similarities, based from their structures, as buildings for holding religious or spiritual rituals, such as prayer and give an offering.
Unfortunately, we can not find any single Buddhist archa in the main temple.

Lumbung Temple


Inside the complex of Prambanan Temple Tourism Park.
Jalan Raya Jogja-Solo km 16, prambanan, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Public Service Hours

Daily                                   06.00 am - 05.00 pm

Entrance Fee

(one ticket for all temples in the complex)
Children (4-10 years old)            IDR 20k
Adult                                              IDR 40k