"Benteng Pendem" (Buried Fort) Cilacap: an abandoned Dutch Fortress

Historical tourism still becomes the main tourist attraction in Cilacap Regency, therefore during weekends and holidays, "Benteng Pendem", which lies in the area of Teluk Penyu beach is commonly visited by many local tourists.

"Benteng Pendem", built between 1861 and 1879 by Dutch troops during colonial era served as a fortress to defend the important port of Cilacap which is believed to have an under sea tunnel to connect to the other "Benteng Pendem" in Nusakambangan island.

This abandoned Dutch fortress covers 6.5 hectares of Pertamina (Indonesian State-owned oil and natural gas corporation) owned-land.
According to some sources, Dutch troops used this fort until 1942 when they surrendered to Japanese troops. And then the Japanese took over it. But they left it after the United States dropped nuclear weapons on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
In 1952 - 1962, Indonesian Army Special Force Group (RPKAD, now it is called Kopassus) utilized this place as a combat training.
Finally, in 1986 the local goverment of Cilacap opened "Benteng Pendem" for public as a historical and cultural tourist attraction.

Unfortunately, i entered "Benteng Pendem" at 4 pm, an hour before it's closed, after returning from Nusakambangan island. Actually, it was my second visit, but the first when i was still a teenager, a long time ago, so i only remembered a little.
There weren't many visitors at that time, perhaps it's almost closed. I tried to use my limit time to explore this fort.
It is called "Benteng Pendem" for it used to be covered by dirt and 40 percent of its buildings still remained underground and hasn't been excavated.
Some buildings which can be identified, including a barrack building, a prison, an amunition hold and a clinic.
My suggestion, if you are interested in Indonesian history and you are traveling to Cilacap. "Benteng Pendem" is worth a visit.

Benteng Pendem


Jalan Benteng, Kebonjati Hamlet, Cilacap Regency, Central Java, Indonesia

Opening Hours

Daily                           07.30 am - 05.00 pm

Entrance Fee

Adult/Child             IDR 5k (USD 0.40)