Pantai Congot Kulon Progo - a glimpse about a fisherman's beach

Even though Congot beach (pantai Congot) isn't as popular as its neighbor beaches, Glagah beach and Pasir Kadilangu beach, in fact I still saw people visiting this beach. So what makes this beach unique?

Congot beach is situated just 12 km or 21 minutes drive from Wates, a capital of Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, And is also only 39 minutes  (27 km) from Purworejo, a small city in Central Java.

Congot is a fisherman's beach. So if you are there, you can encounter some fishing boats on the coast which are commonly painted with blue colour. I don't know whether blue which is often associated with depth as well as stability and also the colour of the sky and the sea which symbolizes confidence may help the fishermen to be more steadfast while they are catching fish in the middle of the night or very early in the morning.

After spending my exciting time in Pasir Kadilangu beach, I headed to Congot beach.
My curiosity behind the meaning of "Congot" as the name of the beach lead me to ask it at the ticket counter, the entrance fee is IDR 5k (USD 0.40). A single ticket which a visitor can use for entering Congot beach, Glagah beach and Trisik beach. It is cheap, isn't it?
Unfortunately, they couldn't give me a satisfaction answer, one of two ticket officers simply said that the name, Congot, had been used to call the beach, which is located in Jangkaran Village, Temon Sub-district, since a long time ago. So, neither knew the meaning of "Congot".

At that time there were less people in Congot beach or it would be suitable to say it was quiet, even though in the parking area I saw some motorcycles and cars, even a bus. I guessed more passengers prefer staying in their bus.
No doubt, more travellers who are travelling to Kulon Progo prefer spending their time either in Pasir Kadilangu beach or Glagah beach which provide more facilities and drop in here for a short time to eliminate their curiosity for haven't been here then continue heading to other tourist attractions. However, Congot beach which has only some stalls and less facilities may give you more natural things that can not be got from other beaches