4 Popular Tropical Fruits in Indonesia During The Covid-19 Pandemic


Arisarmu -  During the Covid-19 pandemic, more Indonesian people stay at homes. Restrictions on social activities may lead them tend to do unhealthy lifestyle. It risks their physical and mental health problems. 

Maintain a healthy lifestyle is a must to stay healthy. Do physical exercise regularly and eat healthy foods. Include plenty of fruits can support your immune system.

Fruits are source of vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and water. They are good for the body to strengthen the immune system. These fruits below are commonly bought by the people in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.


Bananas are among the most popular fruits in Indonesia. The plants are easy to grow and do not require special care. Bananas are available throughout the year regardless of the season. Consuming these fruits regularly provide health benefits.

Bananas taste sweet, nice and contain essential nutrients - Vitamin C, potassium, folat and antioxidants.


The sweet and fresh taste of apples are loved by many people. These fruits are easy to be found at tradisional markets and supermarkets in Indonesia.

Apples are high nutritious fruits and suitable for healthy diet. They rich in Vitamin C, fiber and antioxidant. Apples are usually consumed raw with their skin or drunk in the form of juice. The mix of apple and carrot is said to be a great juice drink.


Oranges thrive in tropical and sub-tropical countries. The fruits are preferred because they taste sweet and fresh. Although there are also types of oranges that have a dominant sour taste. Orange peel has a distinctive aroma. Sweet oranges are delicious. Consuming oranges is useful for strengthening the body's immune system because they are rich in Vitamin C and other nutrients.


Coconut water is a refreshing drink. It is a nice thirst-quenching drink that stops you feeling thirsty - especially during the dry season. Coconut trees are easy to find in countries with tropical climate, such as in Indonesia. Coconut water is rich in minerals - calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium and zinc.