Es Dawet Ayu Banjarnegara - A Refreshing Sweet Iced Drink


Arisarmu - Dawet Ayu Banjarnegara has always been one of my favorite drinks. This sweet iced drink is very refreshing to be sipped during a hot sunny day.

Located in Central Java Province, Indonesia - Banjarnegara Regency has borders with Wonosobo Regency (Eastern), Pekalongan Regency and Batang Regency (Northern), Purbalingga Regency and Banyumas Regency (Western), and Kebumen Regency (Southern).

You will enjoy seeing the beauty of Serayu River when you pass through Banjarnegara. The river is one of the longest rivers in Central Java Province.

If you're feeling thirsty during hot weather - Dawet Ayu is a popular drink from this town you should try when you visit it.

Dawet Ayu is a typical drink made from rice flour then shaped into ellipse, mixed with coconut milk, palm sugar and added jackfruit and crushed ice. During al-Fitr holiday this year, a glass of delicious Dawet Ayu was IDR 10,000 (approximately USD 0.68)

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