Pantai Trisik (Trisik Beach) Kulon Progo as a Sea Turtle Conservation Center

Arisarmu - Trisik Beach is one of some beaches which are managed by a district of Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta Special Region.  Although it isn't as popular as "Glagah Beach" and very few tourists visiting it than other tourist attractions in this regency or even ignored by travellers. However, the existence of a Sea Turtle Conservation Center may attract curious travellers to come.

Sea turtle, which tend not to go onshore for laying eggs if there are many humans and a lot of light in a beach are decreasing their population acrosss the globe caused by several factors, such as their eggs are preyed by predators, climate change which has affected breeding cycle and the demand of tradional cuisines made from sea turtles' meat and eggs as well as poach them for getting their beautiful shells. Therefore sea turtle conservation is so important.

Trisik beach is located in Trisik Hamlet, Banaran Village, Galur Sub-district. It is near the border with Bantul Regency and approximately 34 km or 1 hour 9 minutes drive from Yogyakarta. It serves as a sea turtle conservation. The beach has shiny black sand and it is grown many "cemara udang" trees (casuarina equisetifolia) which grow well in coastal areas.

Trisik beach is a natural and less touristy beach with only few facilities, such as three simple bathrooms, a simple stall and a "mushola" (Islamic praying room). There is also a Trisik beach tourism map showing to visitors some spots that can be seen, including a lagoon and a fish market. Due to time constraints, I visited neither the lagoon nor the fish market.

Luckily I could see some cute baby turtles. They were just ten months old swimming in a small tub. Perhaps their siblings have been released to the sea. unfortunately, I didn't get much information about the sea turtle conservation because three local people whom I met in front of the small tubs for keeping the baby turtles looked busy repairing a net and apparently they didn't expect my arrival.